This is drawing #1 of the circuit for this build. 

This is drawing #2 of the wiring for this build. I colored the wires to show how things were hooked up. 

We are working on Build #2! 

This week we are working on a potentiometer (for those of you that are old school, it's was the dial on your TV or radio). I like that better than variable resistor. So when this is connected with a variable resistor the dial can control the brightness (blinkability) of the LED. Again in doing this I consulted the “Starter Kit Guide” that came with my Arduino. It laid out the circuits and how everything needed to be wired. It explained digital and analog. I now understand that digital deals with on and off, where as, analog is like a temperature level that goes between high and low. I had some issues with the code. I kept getting an error message, but I looked it up online and worked through it. I did not upload the sketch properly. When I did, the message went away and everything worked fine. I was excited to be able to turn the dial for the light! My narration of the build is on YouTube

This was a fun build! Students would love this!

Coding  page 1                                                                   page 2 

page 3 

page 4 

The longest part of this project was the coding. Even taking pictures of it took 9 photos to get it all. It was exciting and you can tell by my voice I was thrilled when I realized the circuit was working properly. I wish I had known about this when I was playing with radios. I also like how the This has opened a new world for me and I just want to keep playing! I feel I will go back and do more with this after the class and I am looking up other projects for later. 

On to the next build!

page 5                                                                                                                  page 6                                                                                page 7

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